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  • HPB etc.
    Rob Skipper's blog on the history and philosophy of population genetics.
    International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology.
  • James Griesemer
    Jim Griesemer & lab UC Davis; philosophy of biology and related topics.
  • Philosophy of Biology Cafe
    Matt Haber at Utah, and several others, run a discussion forum on philosophy of biology
  • Schneier on security
    Bruce Schneier, expert on security
  • Three-Toed Sloth
    Cosma Shalizi is in the statistics department at Carnegie Mellon.
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I do believe that this is one of the cornerstones of Theodore Nelson's
theory of the operation of the internet: That the value of the information
therein contained will be measured as a function of the number of links
to that information. Hence, belief systems do tend to affect the propagation
of information, and the relative value of that information.

Actually, Ted was talking about how access is focused within hypertext but,
the notion is more generally applicable.

Well, perhaps the number of links is a reasonable proxy to measure the impact of the presentation, crudely and bluntly maybe; a weighted google measure seems somewhat better. But the value of the information is likely different than indicated thereby.

I found this post to genuinely change my understanding of sociology; who knows how much value that will have, in future (perhaps none if I'm run over by a bus) but I'm quite unlikely to link to this.

Admittedly I came to this blog because I read a comment of the author's on another blog I was reading (Evolving Thoughts); but that's still not a link!

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